Balinese massage is a full-body, deep-tissue, holistic treatment. Balinese massage uses a combination of gentle stretches, acupressure, reflexology, and aromatherapy to stimulate the flow of blood, oxygen and "qi" (energy) around your body, and bring a sense of wellbeing, calm and deep relaxation. Balinese massage uses a variety of techniques including skin rolling, kneading and stroking, and pressure-point stimulation, combined with the aromas of essential oils.
Balinese massage is a good treatment to choose if you want to experience a variety of massage techniques, need some help to relax, or if you're feeling a bit low. A relaxation massage with attitude, this treatment will help you feel calm, but it will boost your circulation and target knotted tissue to address physical issues as well.
If the idea of going to a spa makes you nervous, you're not alone. Many people have their first spa experience when they get a gift card to a
day spa. Some people don't even use it because they're anxious about what will happen and the finer points of spa etiquette.
Most of us make our decisions based on convenience—what's close by, and within my budget? But there are other things you should take into account.
Look for friendly, nurturing staff, from the person at the front desk to the massage therapists, estheticians, nail technicians, and make-up
artists. Of course, all therapists should be licensed. (If the treatments are really cheap, this might be one reason.)
A well-trained staff starts with the person at the front desk, so if we're not polite over the phone—forget it. When you arrive, you want a quiet,
relaxing, well-designed environment with soothing music, low lighting, and pleasant aromas that is also clean and sanitary.
you will find special equipment such as hydrotherapy tubs, whirlpool tubs, steam rooms, sauna, steam cabinets, Vichy shower, etc.